Virtual Class! Wednesdays at 9:30am on Zoom

Classes Wednesdays at 9:30am PST

Class: Sing & Play
Ages: 0-2
Location: Wherever you are! Via Zoom in partnership with Untitled Arts Academy
Cost: $10/class
Status: Ongoing

Tuesdays and Fridays 11am
@Miracle Mile Toy Hall – ON HIATUS

Classes every Tuesday and Friday at 11am

Class: Sing & Play
Ages: 0-2
Location: Miracle Mile Toy Hall
Address: 5464 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles CA 90036
Cost: $25/class
Status: On Hiatus until it’s safe to come back!

Book Us for Parties or Private Classes with Your Friends!

Virtual Parties and Private Classes are a great way to stay connected to friends and family even while staying at home!
Email us to schedule now!